Couldn't agree more cerhob, the guy had made his point in around...

  1. 3,413 Posts.
    Couldn't agree more cerhob, the guy had made his point in around 15 seconds. The police, well they simply have a job to do and weren't about to be "enticed" into making the matter bigger than what it needed to be, it's called restraint.

    Whilst I agree that the power of the people is gaining momentum, the police are literally the meat in the sandwich. It's worth remembering that the city by way of the elected mayor run the police in the US unlike here in Australia where the police are largely autonomous and guided by legislation.

    I would presume that once the mayor gives direction to the police commissioner in NYC for example, that direction WILL be carried out regardless.

    Don't get me wrong I'm all for the poor & middle income standing up to greedy corporations and the super wealthy component of our society but this needs to be done in a carful orchestrated manner. If you like, in a manner that beats "them" at their own game.

    Say for example using the power of social media here in Australia everyone for an entire week stopped buying fuel from XYZ or better still everyone used public transport and brought the sytem to it's knees with over-capacity!

    It is high time that our weak leaders we call politicians represented the people that votem them in instead of doing things for the benefit of the wealthy minority of society.

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