"I would bet when you zonked yourself , that you had been...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    "I would bet when you zonked yourself , that you had been drinking first ??? "
    Of course, molonski,one usually only does silly things after one's been drinking...:-)

    And it seems we have in common an overly fondness for Scotch, although you (shudder) pollute yours with coke.
    If you did that to a good Scotch in Scotland, they'd flog you with their kilts....
    I drink mine neat, so it doesnt take too many swallows to demolish half a bottle. I stopped just on a week ago because I'm badly overweight (my wife says) and to give my liver a break. The last week I've been having 1 only beer a night.
    Lost 1 kilo, lol.
    And yeah, I've seen mates I drank with nightly for years eventually have to drink during the day, lose their jobs, suicide eventually (2).....one just died from the grog.
    Mate, to some, grog is just as destructive as white powder is to others......and they should be kept from it.
    I rang the cops once to try to get a family member on the "dog act", but its not in force anymore, damn it.
    Till about 40 years back, you could get someone put on the act & there would be a notice on the wall off the pub banning that person from entering...,but no more. And then there are the liquor stores....sigh.
    At the end of the day, it still comes back to "mental health"......look at all the footballers, even....everyone (nearly)with a drug or alcohol problem lately seems to have an underlying bi-polar or depression issue. Just maybe problem drinkers should be assessed for underlying psychological problems and treated.....it could save lives & families. Do you think any govt would care enough to initiate something like that?

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