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Originally posted by bensterz
LNP Coalition likely to win tomorrow with reduced majority. The size of the reduction will be interesting and play a large part in determining the 2016 fate of both leaders.
Outside of NXT in SA I think there will only be 1 (possibly 2) minor party Senators elected in each state. I get the feeling people who largely vote minor parties in the Senate will have their votes exhausted because they will most likely only vote 1-6 above the line. That's "OK" if your first preference is going to LNP/ALP/Greens - but if going exclusively to minor parties it will, more likely than not, exhaust without electing anyone. Most of the minor party Senators elected will likely be turfed out in the 2019 election (because they will be allocated to the 3 year term for having been elected in positions 7-12 at this election) when a quota is worth 14.29% of the vote and replaced with LNP/ALP/Greens (except SA).
Will be interesting if Xenophon wins any seats outside of SA. How will he manage the potential conflict between being pro-SA whilst not stepping on the toes of other state's interests?
Well, here in the West, the Emporer Col Stink Factor will have a bearing on how
well the silvertails go. The stench is unbearable.
We've been carrying the can, whilst getting "stepped on" and I expect a large 'Pro-Indepedents'
protest vote. One can only hope!