Top idea...the "Indigenous" population in Tasmania something...

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Top idea...the "Indigenous" population in Tasmania something like tripled at the last election!

    Pauline Hanson does come up with some logical and simple ideas, but no doubt the left will come out swinging and she'll be slammed as being "racist" daring to suggest that some people are gaming the system.
    Remember Andrew Bolt's dilemma for daring to suggest that there are people who are gaming the system and possibly telling fibs.

    If a person is truly of Aboriginal descent there is no reason why they can't identify as one through the right channels if that's what floats their boat. All they need to do is prove it...what is so wrong with that?

    Personally I don't get it...I have Scottish blood in me with Grandparents that came from Scotland, but I don't identify as being Scottish.

    It’s surprising that Labor and The Greens, who pretend to respect Aboriginality, have not introduced this policy already.

    Pfffft, Labor actually introduce something that may be controversial??? The Greens, why would they want to poop in their own nest?

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