One of the most important articles for Ozzies, page-11

  1. 85,919 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I agree with most

    "I'd just call it evolution." -- yes, I agree with that -------- the KEY to harmonious evolution - harmonious meaning that it's not being dragged into the current century (whenever it is) by the goolies - but, rather slipping in with a smile ------------- is ------------- the embracing of change - AND the preparation for it. (ie. avoiding things like Docs DeLorean thinking)

    "In a couple of hundred years we've gone from a society where people used to starve if there was a bad season to now where everything is quite predictable and manageable. A significant improvement in the scheme of things."

    Agree --------- where I think the issue is - is that the mentality hasn't caught up yet fully.

    "The author talks about the basic needs. Food, shelter. Well, we've got that sorted generally now. "
    Not completely - I think we still struggle with shelter - the cost of shelter is horrendous, the administration burdensome and we have a growing homeless problem.

    "Look after the joint and look after each other." -- many are not on that wavelength at all -- it's one area where I strongly disagree -

    our society - women in particular - do immense damage to the planet by buying unbelievable amounts of unnecessary shit ----- refs. - look at any bathroom cupboard, drawers, wardrobes, kitchen cupboards - THAT's what's damaging the planet

    "I'm actually pretty confident we will get there one day. "
    so am I - if we don't blow ourselves up along the way.

    "I am regularly impressed with the empathy expressed by young people these days. They definitely have a different outlook on life to their predecessors."

    yes, I can agree with that - but, I am hampered because I mainly see young people who travel - and, they are much brighter than most I suspect.
    There is a VAST difference between the young in the societies in France and other European countries to the young in the UK and Australia from what I see, but, they all connect - so, with luck - some sort of sense will flow.

    "I agree that people need structure."

    Actually - I'm not certain about that ------

    there's two ways of doing things - and, unfortunately in Oz we choose the dumb way - IMO -

    1. You stand back and observe what people do - and, people in general do do things in a similar fashion ------------ so, you design your tracks and paths around their behaviour - in other words - use the psychology to design your systems
    2. You design the system and try and jam people into it

    pretty obvious which would be more harmonious and effective.

    "Yes, people can be a bit selfish. But that might be our saviour. Particularly for population control. The more educated women are, the less children they have. To the point that we will end up with a declining population. Nicely lining up with machines taking over so that humans don't have to work in traditional ways."

    yes, probably agree with all of that - we just have to get a system that makes it all work nicely - personally, I think it would be easy if we cleared our minds and start with a blank page.

    "So, provided we don't blow ourselves up in the next few years, I reckon we'll get there. There is a growing awareness that we have to look after the place and that we have to look after people. Things such as mental health and looking after the environment were only discussed on the fringes not that long ago. Now, they are mainstream topics."

    yes, and that discussion has come about because educated people do and did research -----

    right in areas that the boneheaded Liberal party is trying to stifle in tertiary studies -----------

    one wonders if they will ever get it
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