one young writers view of ruddcash

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    by Donna Brond
    posted on Apr 29 .
    I got Ruddcashed last week, and I'm telling you, it was about time. After enduring weeks of torment at work of colleagues informing me that their cousin's stepbrother's chiropractor had received their payment, I was beginning to feel like perhaps I had been forgotten. This irrational anxiety got me thinking. Why is $900 so exciting? If you won $900 in the Lotto you'd probably be really browned off it wasn't more.

    The fact is, it's just shy of a grand, and none of us did anything to get it. If you're like me, and get a bit of a thrill when you find fifty cents lying on the pavement, then $900 is plenty to get excited about. And for hundreds of thousands of people like myself, on about $500 a week, it's worth all the hullabaloo.

    Easy come, easy go
    I know, by now most people have spent their stimulus package on plasma screen televisions, new clothes, and eating out. That's what we were supposed to do. Others will have spent it on things they needed, like a new mattress or car repairs. A very small minority will have stashed it, which was not what Kevin Rudd had in mind. But for most of us, it was easy come, easy go.

    If you haven't already got it, or you have received it but haven't spent it yet, a word of warning. While the Government wants us all to spend it to kick start the economy and keep more people employed, if you have debts, then debt minimization is the best use of your money. Debt means you have to pay interest on money owed. If you owe $1000 on your credit card, at 19%, that will cost you $190 a year. If you pay even half your stimulus payment onto that debt, you'll save $85 a year. So take this great opportunity to take control of your debts....................................................................................................................And as for my Ruddcash? Well, I put it on the mortgage, where I can redraw it later when I decide what I want to spend it on. Until then, it'll just buy me some more 'house'.

    Dave R.

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