online bullying, page-21

  1. 15,082 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    how come there is bullies every where we turn.

    bullies are natures way of sorting the weak from the strong.

    i love bullies

    all my life I have rejoiced when a bully pops their heads up.

    bullies are usually simple creatures with little brains and easily baited. once hooked you can have lots of fun with them.

    I grew up amongst so many them I know them back to front.

    things to know about bullies :

    all bullies are cowards

    but they can sniff fear from a mile away

    without fear bullies can go no where

    if you wish to deal with a bully toughen up

    all bullies are scared little creatures themslves

    once you stand up to a bully you basically own them

    the first time you stand up to a bully you grow 2 foot taller

    the victim creates the bully

    dont put yourself up as a victim

    If we keep on over protecting our children they will never learn how to deal with a bully.
    these are not things you learn from a text book or on a blackboard
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