@K974 How you going still ? Is Dfat giving you updates and well...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    @K974 How you going still ? Is Dfat giving you updates and well did you receive them in the first place ? And did you leave them a way to contact? Plans when you left etc etc ie im traveling to this country this place will be working etc etc here things like that ?

    The political situation is changing day to day like everywhere . If you catch the virus there whats that country doing when it comes to being able access the health system ?

    Do you need test when coming in and out for when you need a new visa at all?

    Im pretty sure about same time here when people started say they dont want test the numbers slowed also perhaps into the country as a result ? Or the community transmission rates went up?

    Its well if we stick with the same plan its to slow the rate of transmission so the hospital system can cope . If people refuse to test before getting into the country or once here they face a longer duration in the bin etc

    But if they got real sick well im sure the bed would be availed to them by triage situation etc

    Same as any country would ?

    Is your company giving you advice if you were working for someone or did they just drop you like a stone to your own means ?

    Im open to you not saying anything im perhaps the only person thinking about your situation on this forum that has bothered to ask about your well being ?

    If we are not updating our citizens and they need to be by the means available its wrong if its not both up todate and of assistance to you planning just how long you have do this and if you can find a means or other way to get home or to safety !

    Like im sure many have never faced this before in a crisis situation either but like you are saying we need be .

    For me just say im on this side of the fence your not but in some stage i maybe and yes i would want know even if it was an out break of some other disease etc in and area and i needed get vaccinated etc etc

    The political situation was changing things like that . Yes ive had that before with dfat and i had left a travel plan before leaving . Now may seem dumb to some they dont need know what im doing things like that which is fair enough but when it comes back to getting support even knowing how many Aussies are out of the country to inform the public health system even ? How they going know?

    Its standard from memory you need about 2500 dollars to enter here as not an Aussie to support that time of the visa . If you need help in this way i dont know i dont care im just saying if in contact with dfat you maybe able say this is whats happening i need this money for a loan emergency money etc etc etc

    When a Politian stands up and goes there are 25000 people waiting to get home are they spruiking it up or they really know for the public they are updating etc etc .

    Remember during all this they are politicians still weighting the option in this and well the laws mate the laws etc etc .

    Like when they say use a military jet do they really know if they can enter another country with that jet or do they need use the private ones who already have this available to them ? Or they are just politicking the situation for people stuck ?

    Im just trying point out some thoughts when political agitation does not make the situation any easier for anyone in trouble just doing the right thing . Crazy mate and bloody awful what has happened .

    Anyway life goes on for many like this each day the views change im the same i may change my view but at the very least at least ive asked if your still alright ?

    I hope our country is doing the same and your not just having receive this by other means like a forum ?
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