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Att Mr GravesAs you have now made it awhere to shareholders in...

  1. 366 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Att Mr Graves
    As you have now made it awhere to shareholders in your letter that the HC blog is read by yourself and possibly other board members, I now see it fitting to write this in the knowledge that you will read it.

    In responce to your "open letter to shareholders" I would like to clarify a few issues.

    Firstly, I get the impression that your going into battle with the investor group and you see them as a potential threat. This group is made up of ordanary share holders of the company, they are not a group of violent thugs out for a war or to try to take over the company. they are ordanary shareholders worried about their investments. They are ordanary shareholders who, (from what I read)are fully supportive of you and are prepared to help in whatever way is possibly. This is a very rare commodoty as most would not offer any help and just leave you to fall on a sword. The time for standing on your chair and banging your chest is over, its time to look at all possibilities and if that requires getting a few more people involved around a table and offering up all Mandateds and financials for all to explore can only leed to a better outcome. You must admit that Mr Graves.
    With the stock price languishing at half a cent a share, leagle issues, tight finances,approching lease expiry dates and a board that is split surely you must say to yourself " hey we can only let them try to see if they can come up with a soulution"
    The 2 Franks did not just up and leave, the 2 weekly updates did not just suddenly start to happen, the other finance possabilities did not just arise from knowhere. These are happening due to the investor group. These are all good things. Shareholders would like to work with you and not go to war with there own company.
    A blind man on a galloping horse can see that with out indeapth knowledge into the Novus mandate and the finances of the company you can not get a loan from anywhere to drill. so how do you expect the investor group to do this prior to having members on the board. the current board can not achieve this and they do have the intire financial situation and all required information at there fingertips.
    This company should have a stock price of 2.5 to 3 cents with the possabillity of anything.
    Surely your not happy with the way things are going and surly your hoping for some improvement?? time to put some faith in the idea that someone may be able to fund this project. Time to get all groups together and work to find the best funding soulution, doesnt matter if it comes from the investor group, the current board or the man on the moon.... Its time

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