beachdingo good point about the danger of Anchoring beliefs...

  1. RM
    7,461 Posts.
    beachdingo good point about the danger of Anchoring beliefs within the context of current technical or scientific knowledge.

    Science is extremely useful and repeatability is its greatest asset, but it cannot be argued that science is not a very narrow branch of knowlede.

    You cannot scientifically prove that Napolean lost the battle of Waterloo, we rely on other branches of knowledge such as manuscript evidence, history and archaeology.

    Science is defined by a very tight confine if one looks at all aspects of knowledge through this lens it would be a very narrow slit.

    What happens with light passing through a narrow slit? you get a fresnel diffraction pattern. These black lines of distorted light are not be black holes in our knowledge. This distortion is due to asking science questions it is not designed to answer. The narrow aperature is sceince's great strength but also its limitation.

    Beachdingo Why dont you change your experiment and look for evidence of No God. Do the sums starting from the first few picoseconds of the BigBang and then work your way through the next few seconds.

    Have a great night and if I meet you on the sands of Fraser Island I promise I wont feed you. LOL

    You can try this at home under adult supervision this effect of distorted light can be mimicked by placing your two fingers closes together and looking through the narrow slit at your computer screen easier on a white background. You should see dark venetian lines between the gap of your two fingers as well as some distortion of the text on your computer screen. Hey Its like an episode of the old Curiosity Show.

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