MAY 3.70% 2.6¢ melbana energy limited

Options Exercise, page-113

  1. 3,934 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1159
    update: just got them on link!cool.png Commsec yet to refresh!

    FINALLY!!! (been waiting since the 4th!!!!)

    so, i mustve missed the last cut off by seconds so have had to wait the longest.

    If you have lodged it all with cleared funds today (or are doing it today) then looks like you wont get it cleared for about 2 weeks (until they do the next "application for quotation of securities" filling)....since link have refreshed it all today, those in process now will be in limbo like i was the longest....!
    you and I both (mine was Thursday 4th Aug!!!, just got them in Link registry now!!!) its all about the cut offs - they're obviously are processing them in batches...
    Last edited by mickeebee: 16/08/22
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