less US troops are dying because they are holed up in their...

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    less US troops are dying because they are holed up in their bunkers and patrolling less.

    over 3500 American soldiers have died in Iraq, with more than 25 000 wounded, maimed, crippled, or disfigured. Over a hundred British soldiers have been killed, with nearly 7000 wounded. In October last year the Johns Hopkins and Al Mustansiriya Universities published, in Lancet magazine, research that indicated that approximately 655 000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. (now closer to one million). The US administration rejects this figure, but Sir Roy Anderson, the chief scientific advisor for the British Ministry of Defence, says the methods used are ‘robust’, and ‘close to best practice’. Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, believes the British Government is ‘party to a war crime of monstrous proportions’.

    Actually, most British soldiers regard their tour of duty as loathsome. They speak of the Iraq invasion as illegal, immoral, and unwinnable. General Richard Dannatt, Chief of Staff of the British Army, thinks it only exacerbates the global security problem, and General Sir Michael Rose, a former United Nations Commander in Bosnia, says the British Prime Minister should have been impeached for taking Britain to war on false grounds.

    Peter Tinley, SASR Major, in charge of planning and operations, has said the reasons for going to war were ‘baseless and morally bankrupt’. He added that we have actually helped out the terrorist organisations.
    Paul Bremer, the Governor of Iraq until 2004, regarded Colonel Mick Kelly as the most important Australian soldier in Iraq. Kelly has stated that ‘we made the international security situation worse’. You’ll hear a lot more in the future as more serving officers resign in disgust, and begin to speak up.
    Saddam Hussein was a cruel leader. Baltazar Garzon, the judge who pursued another nutter, Pinochet, has called for the indictments of Bush, Blair, and other leaders responsible, stating that the Iraq invasion was ‘one of the most sordid and unjustifiable episodes in recent human history’.

    General John Batiste, who led the First Infantry Division into Iraq, said of the US Government, ‘You continue a failed policy that is breaking our great army and Marine Corps…Mr President, you have placed our nation is peril’. General Wesley Clark, General Mel Montaro, and General William Oden have voiced their distain, with Oden describing it as nothing less than ‘the worst strategic mistake in American history’. General Paul Eaton labelled the Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld as, ‘incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically’. General Anthony Zinni, head of US Central Command, agreed, saying the US administration is guilty of ‘true dereliction, negligence, irresponsibility, lying, incompetence and corruption’. rumsfeld. gone. wolfowitz. gone.

    a group of 10 or so US army captains, ie: the ones patrolling each night, the most qualified to comment, said 'either bring in conscription or get the hell out'

    you wont hear a word from the govt about iraq in the next two weeks. the brits are quiet because most of their troops are out. The US is quiet becauses they've been told to stop getting killed, and financial chaos has taken center stage.
    the yanks went to the UN and said 'we are invading because they have wmd. a month ago the head US soldier admitted to the senate that there were never any wmd.
    you mention the iraq v iran war. Yep, saddam killed those nasty iranians WITH THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE UNITED STATES. talk about cherrypicking.
    George Bush’s approval rating is about 25%. Blair has already been forced out. Spain and Italy have replaced their leaders.
    Howard will be booted in 2 weeks.

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