Our first official +1.5C year. Well done everyone! It's amazing how good we are at f@$king everything up., page-225

  1. 16,422 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7983
    "105 MILLION barrels of crude each day now"

    Yep, such is the utility value of the stuff given its indeterminate number of derivative products that power economies and raise the standards of living among the world's billions of poor.

    One of the most salient charts to inform this debate is the following one (which I'll wager 95% of greenies have never seen and of those greenies that have seen it, 95% of them don't really understand it. Moreover, of the 5% of 5% that do in fact understand it, 99.9%of those will never draw attention to it:

    GDP per capita and energy use.JPG

    Oh, and to satisfy that global demand of 105 mn bbl/day, guess which country produces the most oil?

    No, not Saudi Arabia
    Not Iraq.
    Not the UAE
    Not Iran...

    .... its the US of A, which today produces oil in record amounts.

    In fact, the USA and Canada (also producing record oil volumes today) produce one-quarter of the world's oil.

    That's one barrel out of every four coming from two countries where output is at record levels, having risen by 20% during the current term of their governments - the Biden and Trudeau administrations, governments which are ostensibly fiercely opposed to fossil fuels.

    The hypocrisy on display makes it nothing other than political theater; theater wherein all you useful idiots sit and cheer and applaud wide-eyed, without actually understanding what it is you see being enacted out before you.

    Repeat: one in four barrels.
    Let that sink in for a moment.

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