Our first official +1.5C year. Well done everyone! It's amazing how good we are at f@$king everything up., page-391

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 164


    I clicked the link you suggested. The first reference I checked in the article was linked to the words: 'was overwhelmed' (below).


    This is the link I hit when I clicked the words 'was overwhelmed':


    And this is the conclusion of the study from said link:


    This study is about the water saving induced by the response of stomata to increased [CO2]. Stomata perform the above-ground receiving/despatch function for plants. They are the 'intake/exhaust ports'; the interface between the plant and the atmosphere.

    In lower concentrations of CO2, the walls of the stomata become turgid, which increases the size of the 'port' in order to increase its exposed surface area. This enhances the capture of CO2.

    In doing so, the plant exposes itself to dehydration. Multiple H2O molecules are lost per CO2 molecule gained.

    The conclusion of the study which was linked to the words 'was overwhelmed', concludes that the plants studied increased their growth rates whilst using less water.

    Also, due to the fact that the plant transpired less water, an immensely powerful insulant, the canopy of the greenhouse was 0.7 deg celsius warmer.

    I seriously hope this helps. The people who write such articles as the one you referred are being deliberately misleading.

    This is a culmination of multiple studies.

    Last edited by Quatrojos: 16/02/24
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