Good grief. What an embarrassment this so called 'government'...

  1. 12,609 Posts.
    Good grief.

    What an embarrassment this so called 'government' is......although it is amusing to watch that Greg Hunt guy dancing around the issue whilst trying to hold his head up and look over his Why don't they simply show some 'elementary' courage and admit that they're denialists, and argue that case.....tell us what their denialism is based on.

    Why? Because they don't have a So their only option is to lie about it, whilst "secretly" they believe the Nick Minchin theory...."It's a left wing conspiracy!" They know. They just know.

    Tony the Great Believer isn't quite measuring up with his FROGS (Fiscal Recklessness On a Grand Scale...M.Turnbull (quote)) policy, aka Direct Action.

    Direct Action.....yep Tony. We believe you.

    Dames and Knights will fix it.

    Meanwhile the son of parents killed in MH17 gives Abbott a backhander about Abbott's immature language in dealing with the Russians.

    Seriously, the LNP needs to act in the best interests of the nation, and remove Abbott. He is simply not fit for the job, and is going to do some serious damage, if he hasn't already. He simply isn't stable enough.

    Perhaps climate experts like Andy Bolt, Lord Monckton, Nick Minchin and the great believer himself, Tony!, can come up with another "policy" that they think fools

    Australia cannot afford a full term of the Mistake We Needed To Make; One Term Tony needs to be reduced to Half Term Tony.
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