our guardian never sleeps nor slumbers, page-18

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    Sorry I just can't help myself been an ex-religious nut.
    Try jumping outside the religiuos circle and just look at one fact. It is no coincidence that the orangatangs share 90% of our DNA, I think we could learn a lot from these wonderful creatures (not through reductionalist science either).
    Religion is just humans quest for purpose of existance. But what use is knowledge without peace (inner peace, I mean). All one becomes is a clanging symbol or a tinkering bell.
    I now consider evolution a greater miracle than plonking a few bods on planet earth and saying go for it you losers whorership me or else!
    I tend to believe in a life force that pervades everything, some call this Prana (not biotech). Quantum phsyics has shown that mass does not exist - it is an illusion. The eastern religions were onto it as far as Maya is concerned - how did they know that? And if you want to get really heavy, things appear only as a disturbance in in a field that can be described only by mathematical probability.
    I believe humans reached this level of conciousness partly through naturally occouring brain altering substances.
    I entertain the thought that everything is concious to some extent and we, at least, have the abily to increase this voluntarily
    There is of course truth in most religions, if not all, but God (or whatever) will not fit nicely into a small book that we can summon when ever it suits us. You can only go so far with Gene in the bottle religions.
    Peace that depends on external circumstances is not peace. And if you don't have peace amongst turmoil your concept of God might need to be amended and put back on the market for a lower offer price.
    Check out you ego, I realy mean Check It Out.
    Remember thet any dogma will be eaten by karma.
    But then again, I could be wrong.
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