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Deflecting again.....not answering responses to your previous...

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    Deflecting again.....not answering responses to your previous posts...

    AniesBSwedan - you pose questions to HC ISX posters - yet you deflect or counter-attack.  There are many replies to your own posts which you do not answer or respond to directly, or if you do, you post more questions ‘as if fishing’ or acting as though you are in 'self-defence'.   Your agenda and motives for repetitive and bombarding posting on ISX we can only guess at (or assume) as you never have responded to any questions re your intent or inordinate interest in ISX.

    Your interest in ISX from HC posts is (i) since OM's released their 10 Sept 2019 restricted access report and (ii) once AFR/SMH/The Age began publishing articles based on OM report's content and (iii) following ASX's suspension of ISX share trading.

    You are a non-holder and you never explain your obsessive interest.  I was hoping you might take JLo's advice to you [of today] on board...but obviously you haven’t.  NoobMasta has at least explained to us he has a short selling/open position - you can verify his statement by viewing his posting on another HC ISX thread.
    You have stated yesterday that HC ISX posters know of the content of the OM report – which is untrue.  We don’t.  You, AniesBS, state it was freely available content - which it wasn't.  Siciliavan tried repeatedly to buy a copy directly from OM for $5,000.  His offer was refused repeatedly.  Refer his earlier ISX HC posts (plural).

    Try and find the HC ISX threads which expose the content of the OM report of 10 Sept on the HC ISX site – nothing to find apart from JoLo's initial warning – 12 Sept or thereabouts.  The content of the OM report is unknown by all or many other retail HC investors to date....unless someone is in fact an institutional investor and keeping quiet during the attack and the suspension.  If that is the case, none have shared.  Our next advice on ISX HC threads, was the ISX ASX announcement from ISX referring the issue of the OM report to ASIC – 13 Sept 2019.

    This excerpt below is an official Ownership Matters statement to the ASX in March 2019 – OM state they serve institutional investors only.  RESTRICTED ACCESS and DISTRIBUTION OF THE REPORT TO INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS ONLY.  YET AFR & SMH were granted access and publishing rights to refer to OM's 10 Sept report and its contents.  No-one else apart from OM could have granted 9EC media the right to refer to their report.  9EC began publishing unsubstantiated allegations from the OM report as free access media articles from 12 September onwards.

    Proof AniesBS.....OM's formal and legally binding claim to ASX below - March 2019....

    OM official statement to ASX March 2019 - institutional investment advice only.png
    I'm still awaiting your comments re this: the legal validity of OM’s report disclosure (repeated again below) and how AFR/SMH/9EC can believe they could repeat any part of the 10 Sept OM report – given the lack of legal validity of the OM disclaimer.  Or how 9EC media could publish given not only the OM disclaimer but the fact OM and AFR and SMH did not seek verification from other sources, primarily ISX, or ASX ANN’s to date.

    Just to remind you again.  Your response was sought given your statements to date/and your requests to others. How is this disclaimer possible, or legal or allowed?
    OMs invalid legal disclaimer from 10 Sept OM report.JPG
    Watch Media Watch on ABC.  Also 4 Corners…if you are wondering why many have a total lack of belief in commercial news i.e. 7, 9 or 10 media publications.  It’s not mainstream news…it is commercial ‘rubbish’.
    The Australian does strive to be independent, impartial and you have to pay to read their articles.  The Australian’s articles are not available for click bait or to promote or sell advertising.  Interesting to read today’s share update re 9 news….9 news is not getting enough revenue from click baits/fb referrals/advertising so their SP has been downgraded.  Says it all.  Where is the impartiality if they themselves 9EC cannot publish their own poor corporate results to date.
    Likewise, ASX.  How can a publicly listed company earning revenues from trading other ASX listed companies and allowing BOT trading from major brokers, even be considered to be a suitable or fit regulatory or controlling authority.  CONFLICT of INTEREST.  How much revenue did ASX make on ISX daily trades prior to ASX  imposing their unjustified suspension on 2 Oct?  Why didn’t ASX halt the share trading prior to the 100 m share trading day.  What percentage of those 100m trades was BOT trading or short selling trades.  Why does ASX allow high volume BOT trading.  Shouldn’t ASX be impartial and fair to all ASX listing trading entities?  Why aren't they?
    Reference:  Alan Kohler – ABC news - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-04-11/kohler-high-frequency-trade-parasites-at-heart-of-asx/3943052
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