our kathy, page-9

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    This is copied from Michael Smith's page. Not so fast lefties.

    The Royal Commission has just released a notice announcing that its hearings into the HSU will resume Wednesday 10AM in Sydney and Kathy Jackson will be in the witness box.
    Media Alert

    28 July 2014
    Commission to resume hearing into HSU

    The Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption will resume its hearing into the Health Services Union (HSU) on Wednesday, 30 July 2014.
    Proceedings are scheduled to take place in the Commission's hearing room on Level 5, 55 Market St, Sydney between 10.00am and 4.00pm. A witness list is now available online at: http://www.tradeunionroyalcommission.gov.au/Witnesses
    The Commission began its hearing into the HSU on 16 June 2014. Transcripts are available online athttp://www.tradeunionroyalcommission.gov.au/Transcripts
    A webcast of proceedings will be available to the public through the Commission's website.
    Media Advisory:

    • The media room on Level 19, 55 Market St is available between 9.00am – 5.30pm
    • As this is a continuation of matters, there will not be an opening address by Senior Counsel Assisting, Mr Jeremy Stoljar, SC
    That is great news for anyone interested in rooting out corruption within the union movement - and very bad news for those who have tried to besmirch Kathy Jackson's reputation.
    I reiterate that everything Jackson did in her role as Secretary of her branch in relation to its own slush funds was done at the direction of a Branch Committee of Management - 14 rank and file health workers. None of it was done corruptly - I don't like the way unions operated then or now but that's the way unions operated and Jackson operated hers within the law and the Labor movement.
    There are those who are in thrall to Williamson, Shorten, Conroy et al and who seek to slander or diminish Jackson's reputation and credit as a witness. I reiterate my usual declaration here, Kathy Jackson is a very close friend and I value my friendship with her. You can use your own judgement to weigh up the facts here - for me the facts are these:
    • Kathy Jackson blew the whistle on Michael Williamson, Craig Thomson and Bill Shorten.
    • They are trying to make her pay for it.
    • She called for a Royal Commission - they tried to stop it.
    • She is telling the truth - Williamson, Thomson and Shorten want the truth hidden.
    Well the truth is coming like a steam train Bill.
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