Our Propaganda PM, page-24

  1. 9,264 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    Welkin31, a number of useful ideas there.

    truth be told though, ex-minister Matthias Cormann is utilising one of the RAAF fleet, admittedly probably no bigger than a 12-15 seater, to swan around Europe promoting his own candidacy for OECD secretary general at Australian taxpayers expense.

    don't worry that's only $4300/hour flying so it won't bust the federal budget. I'm unaware of the staffing arrangements for what is Cormann's private jet but it may be causing pilot availability to tighten somewhat.

    but all this is as it should be. The comatose Morrison govt has always demonstrated that it views public assets to be used for the govt's own private reasons whenever it wants.

    cormann commandeering a RAAF plane to try for a new job after he leaves parlt at years end is just par for the course. Could anyone expect anything different from the corrupt Morrison govt.
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