Our so-called free, democratic, and "un-biased" "objective"...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Our so-called free, democratic, and "un-biased" "objective" media, and it's heavily biased to Labor armies of journalists and reporters - get's a huge lashing today from an article by Larry Pickering - (his site) and this NOT before time!

    As he says today, so angrily - so succintly - and many have on here and elsewhere too - it's high time this stopped - this blatant derision of the slightest instance of Abbott, say, blinking - whilst meanwhile major (very major) issues concerning alleged wrongdoings by Labor MP's at many levels is being deliberately ignored by deliberately two-faced media Labor luvvies - all with an agenda. To get Gillard across the line come what may. Major Press are deliberately covering-up major issues and concerns about Ms. Gillard and certain allegations now abroad about her - and others on her front bench - and not oine stich about any of this to be read!

    Visit Pickering and see what he says - he says it much better than I can!

    I agree with him - this is an outrage - AND a disgrace.

    If the Press are being gagged - or those running sections of the media are gagging their employees - or tolerating THEIR miscreance - then we have a huge problem - and this is NOT, in any way, a true democracy we're living in. NOT when alleged, hugely serious truths are being, allegedly, very deliberately covered up, or withheld.

    I keep saying it - but the Nazi regime started out by brutally suppressing freedom of opinion in the German media.

    There are now evil forces at work here. Very very evil. It must be emanating from newspaper Editors and program directors and certain political commentators - all of them complicit in this huge "say nothing" cover-up. And we are the victims - and our democracy.
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