'We assess that well beyond the physical existence of this...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    'We assess that well beyond the physical existence of this so-called caliphate, the threat of terrorism and the threat of a terrorist attack against Australians and Australian interests will continue," Mr Lewis said.'

    So by stating the above, and stating that there is a warped version of Sunni Muslim - by definition are you not contradicting yourself when reviewing potential terrorist threats. I thought this was the 'end of the beginning' where caliphate members return home to create Jihad in their own back yards.

    This also presumably comes with a bit of hero worship from the local Islamic halfwit - of which there seems to be any number of suicide bombers, car drivers, truck drivers etc. waiting in the wings with an open lap top and weak will - thus the returning Jihadi looks to foster more pain to the infidel.

    The Trump thing is also interesting and shows how the US plans to foster an environment that creates more room for arms and war in the Middle East. It is a fact that Iran is far less of an issue in the Muslim world than the Wahhabi/Sunni sect (a fact stated by the ASIO boss above).

    So we have two issues - potential of Islamic threat on home shores in a massive way in comparison to other forms of terrorism and the call to arms for Australian Diggers to fight a perpetual war that keeps the US war machine (weapons manufacturing) ticking over. Note - call for more Diggers already in Afghanistan and the berating of NATO to do more.

    The worry is is that nobody is tackling these problems head on and they sit, paradoxically opposite each other. So who is going to be first to say no to the US? And who is going to get a grip of the immigration problem, that we already seemingly have from he chief of ASIOs comments above, and exacerbation by having more immigration? Don't forget Dutton reported some time ago that several people were turned away from immigration and they were found in families that would normally be odds on to get immigration allowed. That is all rather insidious and brings terror to a whole new level. The US will look to blackmail any country that does not do its bidding and if you don't they will look to create a problem for you. South China Sea springs to mind and a rather large neighbour. Europe and Russia. Etc.

    I actually think Mr Lewis is doing a great job, as is his organisation, however he is limited by not being allowed to show his true view as the PC world we live in won't allow it. We have actually announced we are beefing up security - that's another paradox that Turnbull has brought upon himself - if you let more in you have to ramp up ASIO and the AFP - would we have to do that with less immigration from war torn countries (courtesy of the US and Saudi Arabia)? Maybe not as much?

    The world is a mess - we need to get our house in order. At both ends of the paradox above.
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