outrageous , page-8

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Ok, let's put this into perspective.

    1. Myth 1: We are being swamped

    ** A typical leftie over-exaggeration. No one is using the word "swamped" in here. We are well aware that there is a quota and our arguments are about giving more legitimate refugees a place in our country.

    However, it wasn't missed that Australia is the 3rd largest per capita. Considering the money that we invest in refugees, I'd say Australians have every right to voice concerns about allowing more.

    2 Myth 2: We're a magnet compared to other countries

    ** Well, considering Europe takes 355,000 and the USA takes 100,000. Considering little old Australia only has a population of 22 million and people are crossing multiple borders, then i would say we are a magnet.

    Why don't you go to "youtube" and watch asylum seekers/boat people openly admit and laugh that they are not escaping persecution and are economic refugees.

    3. Myth 3: We take more asylum seekers because we're a rich, First World country

    ** Another over-exaggeration. Blind Freddy knows that many more refugees go to poor countries. Why? Because 1. Legitimate refugees, which there are millions, don't have the means (money) to cross borders & pay to get on a boat. Also, those poor countries that take in the majority give nothing in the form of benefits.

    4.Myth 4: They're illegal, queue jumping undesirables

    ** A joke. Nice attempt by the author to hide behind the UN Refugee Convention. This convention is the very reason we are having this problem. Sorry, but in my books, paying to become a refugee in our country is against the Australian "fair go" convention. As i always ask, why do "refugees" with money gain an advantage over those that don't have money. Give me a destitute poor family of refugees any day of the week instead of predominantly male muslim boat people.

    Myth 5: Most asylum seekers come by boat

    ** Is the author serious? We know they also fly here. All the more reason why we should be suspicious of people who come by boat and aren't willing to provide ID.

    Myth 6: Asylum seekers are taking our jobs

    ** No, they are taking our money. It has been recorded that 90% of asylum seekers are still on welfare payments after 5 years. The highest statistic is for those who come from Muslim countries. Six percent of Sweden's population is now Muslim. That six percent takes up 80% of Sweden's welfare payments. That is a damning statistic!

    Myth 7: People from war torn countries cause problems

    ** Not going to argue that people from only war torn countries commit crime. But, the ideology of dumping a mix of races into one area where there is a high level of unemployment has proven to create violence and crime.

    From wikepedia : "Studies have examined if ethnic/racially heterogeneous areas, most often neighborhoods in large cities, have higher crime rates than more homogeneous areas. Most studies find that the more ethnically/racially heterogeneous an area is, the higher its crime rates tend to be"

    Australia is creating ghettos! Coming to a suburb near you!

    Myth 8: They don't assimilate or contribute

    ** Again, another over-exaggeration and an attempt to discredit most people's arguments. Most people's arguments are about Muslim refugees. These people are different to the past. They don't assimilate and if we keep allowing mostly muslim males to enter by boat, then we too will have the same welfare problem.

    I am sure no one will deny that many Asian cultures are very hard working and contribute greatly to Australia.

    Myth 9: Numbers are booming because we lack tough border protection policies

    ** 2002, 1 boat person arrived
    2012, 17,707 boat people arrived

    Our current government changed a successful policy and what happened? I rest my case!!!!

    Myth 10: We can just turn the boats back (the truth is that wherever they come from, most boat people use Indonesia as a launching point for Australian waters)

    ** We just need someone in government to have some balls and get tougher with the Indonesians. If John Howard's government can restrict it to 1, then why can't any other future goverment.

    The 11th Myth is that article in itself which conveniently glosses over the facts. Call me a loudmouth or a bigot, but i believe in a system where money should not advantage one over another to gain refugee status. And maybe i am a bigot when i get annoyed watching a documentary of a "boat person" openly laughing and saying he is coming here for the money.

    Maybe i am just a cynic when I watch a report on a former extremist Muslim turn anti-extremist crusader get treated so poorly by the Muslim community in Australia.

    Am I living in the Twighlight zone? A Muslim spokesperson came to Australia to spread the evil of terrorism and Muslim leaders were threatened if they gave this bloke a platform. Shouldn't the Muslim community embrace this man and see him as some sort of pioneer??????? On the other hand, i don't see the same reaction when a radical wants to preach his BS to the community.

    Tick tock, tick tock!!!

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