Overlooked Uselessness of WIND POWER in reducing Co2, page-8

  1. 35,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    I didn't say that windfarms don't have an effect. The question is how much effect they have.

    If you were something more than a cut and pasting denier troll you'd be able to post some info.

    But you can't can you ? You're just a coal waffler.

    It just the same old denier tactic to try and introduce doubt .

    Tell us how much effect the windfarms actually have, won't you ? Why don't you post actual proof ?

    Real numbers, not just some cherry picked speculation.

    Just more waffle and deflection from the denier cubby house, eh ?

    Here's a repeat of my questions from the other thread that you've been dodging. All you do is post is cut and paste sheet and never answer any questions because you can't.

    1. How much actual effect is the wind farm having ? What is the number ? Is it actually significant or not ?

    2. What are the effects of local climate change ? How does a solar panel on a roof affect the local climate ?

    3. Do they ? Post the actual numbers ? How does that increase in mineral extraction compare to the mining required for coal, gas, oil and uranium ? Let's see how much coal is mined compared to the minerals required to recyclable minerals used in renewables ?

    4. Cost of renewables ? Lets' see the numbers and the data in that survey. Considering that solar has dropped 82% in price in that period I would suggest that those numbers are wrong. Way wrong.
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