MGX mount gibson iron limited

The rise from the recent 80 cents to the high of 95 cents -...

  1. JK5
    2,000 Posts.
    The rise from the recent 80 cents to the high of 95 cents - provide lot of incentive for people to take profit. People are nervous at this level - rightly so.

    However should the US employment data is in line with expectation - we will have another green night. This in turn will give more fuel for the bull run.

    The iron ore negotiations have not been finalised - it would appear that the Chinese would eventually have to accept the same price as the Japanese/Korean - should spot price kept going up. I can't see RIO/BHP backing down at this point.
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Mkt cap ! $357.5M
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29.5¢ 30.3¢ 29.5¢ $90.12K 301.2K

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4 236278 30.0¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
30.5¢ 301545 14
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Last trade - 13.13pm 07/03/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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