overvalued currency, page-7

  1. 23,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Devalueing the currency simply means inflation and in Australia's case,
    rapid inflation because before exporters get the money in the till, importers will have jacked-up prices. Even at currently high resource prices we have a trade defict which will increase inflation further.

    Consumers with current disposable income could not stand a bout of inflation
    it would send send interest rates up by at least 2% within a year; thats
    $4k/year extra on a $200K mortgage.

    We simply have to work smarter and more efficiently rather than rely on a lazy Zimbabwe strategy of knocking the bottom out of our dollar.

    If we go back to the AUD being worth 60c US then we'll be paying 2 bucks a litre for our petrol and $22K for the Hyundai I10 and over $1000 for an I Pad.

    Will the businesses who benefit from a low $ pay another $150/week.
    I dont think so.
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