Oz now a secret state

  1. 82,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    First post - skip if you wish - because I had warned you all - since there's been total silence on what's happened - I guess no one listened and no one noticed what actually happened in Canberra this week ----

    what happened is in the second post

    I warned last week to expect big news in this cabinet meeting - I said matters had to be discussed of national importance for a national disaster of massive proportion - if it wasn't this week - it had to be soon.

    Here's a few of my words ---

    "my alarm bells are ringing at full volume---
    I might be very wrong - but, it's got smoke signals showing all over it -

    I'm thinking it's got to come up at Fridays cabinet meeting - in a big way."


    "Scotty has got a huge problem this week - bigger than usual

    he'll probably have a cabinet meeting come friday - and, this might be a doozy---
    so - Scotty has a problem"


    "to me - something has broken in the last 24 hours --
    let's see what the dear leader says after this weeks Cabinet meeting"


    "my bet is if it's truthfully reported - that this weeks Cabinet meeting will have some new and interesting headline readings

    let's see if I'm right or wrong on this one"


    " for Oz -- we shall see ----- my guess is that it MUST come up for discussion in the Cabinet meetings in ?????? probably the next 2 weeks - 4 at the very most.

    Indeed - it should have been discussed at last Fridays meeting - but, all we heard was crickets chirping.

    If it doesn't come up in a scheduled meeting - then, we can expect to see - all of a sudden - an emergency Cabinet meeting called -"

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