XJO 0.30% 8,099.9 s&p/asx 200

MORNING TRENDSETTERSWhat a wild and unexpected rally over the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43

    What a wild and unexpected rally over the last week.

    Some of the more opportunistic xjo'ers have jumped on board and made some moolah (correct spelling).

    Pisces' spirits, a member dear to our hearts, have headed for the stratosphere. Being an emotionally mature and empathetic spirit, Pisces knows from experience that pride come before the fall. Hence, you will find him to be extremely humble with his shiny new bank account and will not argue with anyone....lest God changes his mind and takes it back.

    Pearls and snippets from yesterday

    'I think even the bulls here are probably surprised at how hard and fast we've bounced up... hard to remain seated on the bench with this action isn't it?' PIOTRVIP

    Watch the gambling beast within Piotr

    'I posted on Friday that it was one of my rules never to buy on the 3rd day, let alone the 4th.'( NEWS

    How about the 5th Liz?

    '..after progressively losing 50% of my portfolio since August.. the last move down was also the last straw for me and i too went to cash.. the last 4 trading days has been excruciating to watch.. but fear of buying at the top has kept me from trading.. as i really can't afford to lose anymore (i'm in my mid 20's looking to buy my first property and thinking about what i could afford 6 months ago compared to now makes me want to cry!!)( SIR VON PUSHE

    Straighten up and trade right Sir Von - a good learning experience to get out of the way in your twenties.Easier than doing it in your 70's.

    The ol' Who are the Big Boys emerges again with a quick explanatory waltz by 64eheh and DG.

    'my definition of the terms 'big boys' and 'smart money'

    Big Boys.......Volume
    Smart Money.......A person who can use charting & fundalmental analysis to follow price and volume action to make buy/sell decisions to increase their personal wealth'

    'And a bull move is sustained not because their is a lot of buying, but because the professional operators did most of the buying into the bear move and will support the price until it gets to their target sell zone.' DGORANSSON

    Watch the dollar says furniture - too true.

    'once the aussie dollar goes higher l am selling regardless for the last few months the us market was up and our did nothing,,when the dollar fell and our stocks where low thats when l started buying,,l banked on overseas buyers buying up,,now if dollar goes up will they sell to double dip on profits' FURNITURE

    Which brings us to our our Gal of the day. Now we know that women - according to studies that say they follow rules made by men better - make better traders...or so we have thought....

    Some say.. that she was Peter Costello's confidential advisor and that her husband has gotten very portly because of her superior income producing abilities.

    All we know is that she is our....


    'I realize I am the person that has been rabbiting on about how much money is on the sidelines so perhaps I am the donkey for not buying more today.' PD

    No PB! Even you are feeling the emotion!?

    Never fear those 'who await'. Caylus has the last word..

    'Short. More. Market. Death. Incoming. Smish.
    1 more lot SPX. 1 more lot Foot. 1 more lot CAC
    Now short 4 lots of DAX, 3 lots of CAC, 5 lots of SPX and 2 lots of Foot.

    Stops are adjusted.'

    My head hurts.

    Good luck Bro's and Sis's

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