Good to hear from you kincella,Framing 50 pieces of...

  1. 2,232 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43
    Good to hear from you kincella,

    Framing 50 pieces of are heading toward expert status..!!

    A number of years back I had our whole living area filled with very old wooden furniture that I did up for stall at school fair. My other half helped with some of the sanding and trust me, with all the intricate turns of the shapely wood, I needed it. I found this to be a real 'out' at the time, it was great at turning off the daily stress and grind. I loved doing it so much, I wish I could do it more; however, now living in a unit it is no longer possible. There is something about completing and succeeding at such a task to give oneself a feel good experience. It is extremely cathartic.

    I have been thinking about you as the calendar marches toward May and that fateful day when your whole world exploded. Yes, it is time to look out for yourself and whilst you are reassessing your life, don't forget to
    jump on HC if you need reassurance, 'companionship' and understanding from your HC pals. I am sure it is okay to speak for others here. Those who do not want to 'listen' will not partake in the 'conversation' but I would like to think you could continue to verbally express your feelings here especially if you are in trouble with your mood. Of course this does not take the place of professional help but it is available 24 hours.

    All the best kincella, I am sure you will reap benefits in more ways than one by refurbishing your daughter's furniture. We look forward to seeing pics some time in the future of your finished work.


    Okay, can't help myself. If I was to offer any practical advice for the job at hand it would be that if you are using a paintbrush buy a good one as there is nothing more annoying than those pesky stray bristles becoming stuck on the freshly painted surface...!!!
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