Painting of Jesus, page-5

  1. 10,480 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 625
    I think this has nothing to do with the muslims "softening their hearts" to other faiths, I think that's an extremely nieve way of looking at this, it was the govt of DUBAI that bought the painting not a Saudi prince, I think they bought it because the muslim oil billionaires on sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars and they need to spend it on something real, NOT BITCOIN and not holding it in US$ which lose their value daily.
    So they thought this old master painting was a good investment.
    that's all, if I was a billionaire, and the muslim world was open for business for people who are not muslim, and I saw value in eg. buying a hotel in Dubai that I thought was cheap, I would buy it, if I thought it was a good investment, dosent mean I think islam is now a religion of peace, it would just mean I as a westerner thinks there are some good investments to be made in muslim countries.

    So don't make too much of this painting deal, thinking the muslims are changing their opinion of jesus or the west, they still want to conquer the west and Islamise it, that's their ultimate LT aim.
    and im not talking about IS or some other terrorists, im talking about "moderate" muslims here.
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