"Palestine" and the Olympicsby Gary FitlebergAug 17, '04 Believe...

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    "Palestine" and the Olympics
    by Gary Fitleberg
    Aug 17, '04

    Believe it or not. There is a Palestine Olympic Committee. It is allowed to parade its political propaganda ploy of the fictional "Palestine" and "Palestinians" and also able to participate in the Olympic games.

    According to the Olympic Charter, established by a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, the goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport, practiced without discrimination of any kind, and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

    One wonders how and why "Palestine" was able to parade, in an ongoing perpetual political propaganda ploy that there ever was an independent Arab "Palestine" nation or "Palestinian" people. The fact of the matter is that Arab "Palestine" is really Jordan, formerly called Trans-Jordan according to the British Mandate. Creation of a second Arab "Palestine" in the ancient Biblical and modern territories of Gaza, Judea and Samaria belonging to Israel and the Jewish people, would be a state of terrorism as well as a travesty of honesty, justice and morality; a historical revisionism.

    So how and why does the international community legitimize and rationalize the participation of "Palestine" as a member nation state of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games when it has never ever been recognized as a state, not even by its biggest advocate and political mouthpiece, the Arab/Islamist-controlled United Nations [Against Israel]?

    What sporting event will they participate in? The Shooting of Jews marathon? Bomb Making? Ethnic Genocide? Hatred? Incitement? Terrorism? Violence? If there were categories for these events then surely the Arab "Palestine" would take home the gold.

    Yasser Arafat is very adept at taking home the gold. The "humanitarian aid" money given so generously by the international community, destined for clothing, education, food, shelter, goes directly to Arafat's own personal account to fund and support terrorism. By legal definition, someone is acting with "unclean hands" in their case and cause.

    How about the sport of mass murder and mayhem?

    The sporting events listed for the 2004 Summer games only include aquatics, archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, canoeing, cycling, equestrian, fencing, football, gymnastics, handball, hockey, judo, rowing, sailing, shooting, softball table, tennis, track and field, volleyball, weightlifting and running.

    Which do you think "Palestine" will compete in?

    In the opening ceremony parade, "Palestine", a small delegation, was led by flag-bearer Sanna Abubkheet. Arab "Palestine's" flag bearer, middle-distance runner Abubkheet, flashed the "peace sign" in the opening parade of political propaganda, according to the Canadian press. Unfortunately, the newspaper misunderstood the Arab "Palestinian" language. "V" isn't for peace in an Arab "Palestinian's" hand. It means victory. At the expense of Jewish blood and lives.

    She will run in the 800m race in Athens. When she started training seriously in 2000, she ran in shorts and a t-shirt. Residents of the camp where she lived - where most women cover themselves in traditional robes - were furious and demanded she dress more modestly. She was pelted with sticks and stones as she ran. Abubkheet stated she recognizes that running for "Palestine is as much about politics as it is about sport," as reported by Reuters on May 18, 2004.

    We can all recall the cold-blooded mass murder and mayhem that was the focus of the 1972 Munich Olympics, the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes. Or can we? If we didn't suffer from short-term memory loss, or more aptly, complete memory loss, we would never ever allow Arafat and his Palestinian Authority/Palestine Liberation Organization to participate in Olympic Games or in the United Nations.

    The entire world has lost its moral compass in this terrible tragedy of justice. Should we give a stage to this actor when we legitimize the "Chairman of Terror" and his PA/PLO and give them publicity for their perpetual political propaganda?

    We know the International Olympic Committee has a stringent policy and one mission is to protect its athletes. It even adopted a stringent "World Anti-Doping Code" as part of its code of conduct. How about the adoption of a "World Anti-Terror Code"?

    The IOC has a drug-free policy. Apparently, it is perfectly clear that they do not have a terrorism-free policy. Might as well allow and have Osama Bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda in the 2004 Athens Olympic sporting events, to make the games more competitive.

    Greece is not exactly Israel's best ally in the world. One of Greece's former athletes, a javelin thrower, a 45-year old mother, volunteered for the "Palestinian" team. The Athens Olympic 2004 web site said that Israel's capital is Tel-Aviv. In addition, it lists the continent Israel is on as Europe, so when someone goes to see what is in Asia, you do not find Israel on the list, but a fictitious country known as "Palestine."

    That's not all. The official Athens 2004 Olympic web site clearly shows Greece's sympathy with terrorism, not democracy.

    "Our thoughts are with Cyprus, Kosovo, Iraq, Palestine, and all corners of the world where there is a war going on or a people living under occupation. The Torch Relay gives us the chance to demonstrate our will for peace for all parts of the world where conflict is liable to flare up."

    The only real and truthful "occupation" is the one under Arafat and his Fatah-led Palestinian Authority/Palestine Liberation Organization (PA/PLO) since 1964, when Egypt and Jordan were the "occupiers" of the disputed territories of Gaza, Judea and Samaria, which belong to Israel.

    No "Palestine" or "Palestinians" should be able to utilize international platforms to perpetuate political propaganda ploys when they are nothing more than a past, present and future state of terrorism and terrorists, who lie and steal and violate human rights.

    The world shows by actions not words that it supports the perpetual political propaganda of a fictional "Palestine" nation and "Palestinian" people, created solely for the annihilation of the only Jewish State in the entire world, and only beacon of democracy, freedom and human rights in a sea of corrupt dictatorships, human rights violators, ruthless repressive regimes and tyrannies in the bad neighborhood known as the Middle East.
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