Nice one VC. You have taken a narrow picture of Israel history...

  1. 5,872 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    Nice one VC. You have taken a narrow picture of Israel history which supports your purpose to make the Jews invaders. In actual FACT the history of the Jews and Israel goes back thousands of years. Did you know Christ was a jew. His disciples were jews. The only people to have Jerusalem as a capital were jews. The jews were expelled several times in history and always tried to return.
    The first record of expulsion was when the Assyrians conquered Israel(Sumaria)in 733BCE. Then afterwards expulsions took place right through history. Expelled again after Babylon invaded in 597BCE. Expelled again after losing a 2 year war with the Romans in 70CE.
    There never was a country called Palestine, It was part of the Ottoman empire, then administered by Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan(West Bank) from 1948 till 1967.
    So how did those peaceful muslims end up in Palestine, that's right, Muslims had slaughtered their was right across the Christian Middle East. Just like fairly recently, after being welcomed by the Lebanese Christians, they turned on the Christians a few decades later and ethnically cleansed southern Lebanon of Christians, in the best vicious traditions of jihad, wiped them out.
    Jihad killings are happening in Nigeria today. Where is the outrage?
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