Yawn, that is a good resume - LOL....you certainly do get some...

  1. 439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3

    Yawn, that is a good resume - LOL....you certainly do get some points from me....I was in Beirut when it was less fun. Late 70's. I can't complain though. It was OK, could have been worse. I survived, funny enough- during the airport runs - the worst part. The rest of the theatrics I have been entertained in other wars, doesn't bother me - as long as there is enough distance for me from the munitions. That said I did like Beirut, it was everything friends had told me to expect, and more. Nice people, Amazing food. I would love to go there again if the world gets normal enough.

    That must have been interesting in Palestine at that time. That sounds like before the mullahs in Iran infected Palestinians. But I would have liked to see Palestine back then. They could so very easily do it all again - if they were brave enough to seize the greatest opportunity on the planet.

    I do have to mention Iraq during that period. I got around around in the 70's and a couple more decades....and met a lot of Westerners who were confirmed Middle East hands like myself. Those who spent time there - did not like it. They were followed everywhere. Their home phones were monitored, Saddam's clowns wanted to know everything - all their mail was opened - at least those, that they received - a lot went missing. Some expats I met in Saudi - they considered KSA paradise compared to Iraq. That should tell you something.

    I have never been to Syria or known many expats that have been. That said have met many Syrians living and working in the region. They were nice enough. I would never have imagined - they would be killing each other with so much fervour. But that's the Middle East. Any excuse is good enough.
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