Israel has been very cognisant of civilian casualties and avoids...

  1. 439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Israel has been very cognisant of civilian casualties and avoids causing them. But Arab fighters, not just in Palestine - but the whole region - have always hid amongst civilians. It is sad there have been so many civilians killed by Israeli attacks - which were aimed at Hamas militants and resources. That said if Israel really didn't care about civilian lives - there would be no Gaza today. They are perfectly capable of levelling Gaza. That they haven't speaks highly of Israel's integrity. Meantime, I would certainly say ten times the Palestinian casualties - would be the number of Christians murdered by Islamists in Syria and Irag this last week. You would only hear of these deaths in some Christian websites. The woke media has been pretending the genocide has not been happening for a decade. Don't expect an article from CNN or NYT.
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