Palestinian Christians - a history of oppression and displacement - The Stones Cry Out, page-56

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hi Tonio, I trust and hope all is well,

    I'm going to try and address this reply to you, by putting aside our differences and mention points from a common grounds so to speak.
    Things that maybe favorable for both of us.

    Re Bible alone -> it seem you lot don't agree there.
    OK then, to a degree I could agree, provided what is taught outside the Bible, still aligns with the Bible theme, and God and Jesus's goals or aims.

    Letter meanings and there corresponding number values and these number value meanings, based on the Bible, including many supporting passages.
    I'm NOT speaking of numerology etc.

    The Hebrew language, or if you go even further, each letter has a picture, come meaning, along with a number, which also has meaning.
    On the net, you can find this on various sites, some get carried away with their own imaginations, with no real Bible support.
    So, you have to research to find what you feel is reliable, Bible support and perhaps work between two views, which are basically on similar pages.

    You then pick some key important words in the Bible, like God's 4 letter name, I AM, Beginning, End, Water, Rivers etc.
    Maybe at some point, I'll give you (if interested) a list of words I used.
    Just in God's 4 letter name, now this is just the very basics, as I haven't opened up my file, and it's not someone else's work or copy.
    Place his 4 letters vertical and basically you have, 1. the mind and power of God, you might say a plan, 2. plan for grace within, the heart you might say, 3. A means by which to achieve this, a hook to draw = word of God, 4. we see grace again, which you could in effect say, grace has touched down, feet on earth, so to speak, which we know came through Jesus.
    That's just a brief and if memory serves me correct, the I AM tells the same story.

    The same theme in one way or another, keeps coming up, over and over and over, right up to our end destination, security etc = Home.

    The truth no question about it, imo is clearly revealed and aligns with perfection to the Bible theme.
    You could however if that's what you wanted to do, tweak it here and there, to align with your followings, not that I would recommend that.

    Lets say you investigated it for yourself, did a bit of research and set out the story you find from words, it would be interesting to see, what you come up with, even if it leans to your followings.
    You guessed wrong.
    According to scripture

    Word = Door -> House -> Head = Jesus

    John 10:9 - I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. = The word of God.

    In my Fathers house.............
    I am in the Father................

    Now glorified, exalted etc, all things have been place in Jesus's hands, to effectively rule for His God and Father, until death no more, when Jesus then hands over the Kingdom to the God and Father and is then subject to the Father, so that God can be all in all and I suggest this is twofold, via his word and spirit, effectively replacing our blood, Maybe??

    Word = Door -> House/Kingdom/Temple -> Head = LORD (Yehowah) God and Father.
    We are in fact, all in this image 2 Cor 6:16 etc.

    God and Jesus jointly, make up the heavenly Temple re end of Rev's.

    In a nut shell, two Key things, Alpha Omega = A to Z to Words, words are out spirit expressed.
    A - Z = building blocks to our life, including eternal.
    Hence we are to come into class (The Word), a,b,c -> words.

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