'John 1:1........................and God was (I am) the Word =...

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    'John 1:1........................and God was (I am) the Word = He is deemed as Word, words are simply your Spirit expressed, Spirit the God is (The Holy).
    (If you think "I am" is not appropriate here, then you better remove the "I am" where Jesus is said to have said, before Abraham I am = you must be consistent in translations).'

    "Wotsup, clearly you have never read the Bible. What you write is all unbiblical.
    Only in your mind would it make sense that if I object to you adding to scripture, I should be consistent and remove scripture elsewhere."

    OK Tonio, show us all where the bold above is unscriptural.
    Re the "I am" matter, get to the interlinear, bring up their or the Greek definition of the word options, compare the "I am" where Jesus mentions Abraham and ASK, WHY they didn't follow that same interpretation into John 1:1,2 which would read;

    In beginning I am the Word and the Word I am to the God and God I am the Word.
    This; I am in beginning to the God.

    This; is simply referring to God's inner logos/plans -> first for a Jesus to be, re Mary and the second, the Gens creation, which is shown to have been expressed by Yehowah at 1:3, alone and by himself Isa 44:24, Psa 33:6,9.

    While the logos/plan is still in him, it is with him and him, hence - God I am the Word.

    The 1st plan, the Jesus to be, within God, Eph 3:9, the firstborn of his creation, the beginning of the creation of God Col 1:15, Rev 3:14 = all your creations as with your logos, begin in you and also known as your logos, inner.

    'In Hebrew, word = Dabar = 3 Hebrew letters and they say -> Door -> House -> Head = God and Father, Yehowah.
    (Do YOU chose to ignore or abandoned God's seal on his word?)'

    "Wotsup, I only choose to ignore and reject your interpretation. You have not shown from the Bible that God the Father is the door."

    The Father is The Door -> House -> Head, in his own right, just as Jesus has the same and us as well.
    Jesus says, in my Fathers house, are you suggesting there was no Door when Jesus was here?
    Are you ignoring the fact that the Door to the God and Father was in effect, reopened at the taring of the curtain, on Jesus's death?
    Effectively the Tree of life (Garden) reopened.

    Jesus Became the Door and who does the Bible say is the Head of the house = Yehowah, the Father.
    God put all things under Jesus's feet, but not himself.
    "'Jesus is referenced as The Word of God = You are NOT the one or item, that you are of = Simples.'

    "Wotsup, by your own reasoning the Spirit of God cannot be God because" 'You are NOT the one or item, that you are of = Simples'.

    You are simply confusing yourself in your own delusions.
    No one is saying, the Spirit of God is someone else, other than God = One.
    The word of God, is simply God's word, and not Jesus's or not Jesus himself, you are in effect, trying to make two things out of one, with your delusions.
    Jesus in no uncertain terms, repeatedly says he is speaking the words of God, the Fathers, so he was a carrier of the word of God = word of life, like no other before or after him, hence to represent that role, he was given the name/title - The Word of God.
    God gives out names that represent, mean, the role he has for that person.
    We are all deemed as Words -> Door -> House/Temple -> Head = Ours.
    Your words are you spirit expressed.
    We all have out own doors, house, head etc, just like God and Jesus.'

    "Wotsup, you better hope that you are not 'words' because you word is no good. Your word is antichrist.
    It is actions that count. Is it words or actions in this parable."

    Challenge to Yooooooou, using the verses that define an antichrist, show all on here, how you can possibly support your claim, me an antichrist.
    Use the Bible verses, referenced and no fairy stories.
    '1 Cor 6:19 - Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?'

    Well, looky there Tonio, God and the Holy Spirit, same writer interchanges them, BECAUSE they are one in the same, singular identity, like one apple.
    No impostor or idol, a god the holy spirit, addition, and Yehowah with this truth, gets back His Holy Spirit, which you lot steal lol.

    "Wrong again Wotsup, They are one Spirit as is Jesus. We pray 'Our Father who art in heaven'. God the Father has sent the Holy Spirit from heaven."

    First up, don't be deceptive by leaving out the other Cor ref I gave, which paints the truer picture.
    The God, Father are one Spirit = The Holy Spirit.
    You do not have God dwelling in your Temple and another identity, the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.
    Jesus is NOT even referenced in these Cor references.

    Jesus is not spirit, he like us has Body, Soul and Spirit = Man, 2nd Adam, one nature like the 1st.
    He also got the God and Father's Spirit (Holy) given to him without measure, the help, aid, him in spreading the word of God.
    God is Spirit and not 'a' Spirit, so he can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time, but be predominantly in heaven.

    As for the CC corruption or additions to the Baptism, DYOR and you will find it on CC records, or it was, that they tampered with the verse and never used to follow it.
    What your addition is also saying, the Apostles went totally against Jesus's instructions, from the get go, by Baptizing in Jesus's name only, right where the Church, pretty much began, the only name through which you can be saved, a name above all names.
    Good golly Tonio, the truth just in this snippet, is glaringly obvious, even to a child.
    The other gospels don't support it either.

    What your tampered verse is really saying is - Baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Father -> Because the Father IS the ONE Holy Spirit.

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