palestinian "self-bombing" not suicidal: israeli e

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    There is a stark difference between suicidal and "self-bombing" operations as the latter are rather an attempt to "secure a better life for others", an Israeli psychologist said:

    "The psychological incentive for committing suicide shows up as an internal unbearable pain and hopelessness the only way to stop is thought to be killing oneself," Yisrael Oran said in a recent research published by Yediot Aharonot on April 22.

    "Away from the absolute state of selfishness implied in the suicide attempts, self-bombing operations are carried out with the situation of others in society etched in the psyche of the doer," Oran added.

    "But the "self-bomber" feels the only way to change the tough conditions others are inflicted by is to take it hard and give up his life as a last-ditch attempt to evade permanent threatening danger," he said.

    "Vision Of Future"

    The Israeli psychological expert went on to draw another sort of difference between suicidal people and self-bombers.

    "Those who feel positively suicidal only think of their past; not future. They never think of marriage and family in example, but the would-be ‘self-bombers’ conjure up a vision of future," he said.

    Oran concluded that the "self-bombers" showed no desire for death whatsoever, as conclusively demonstrated through television interviews or recorded or written messages they deliver before blowing themselves up.

    "Many of the self-bombers used to say before their attacks 'we just want to join the struggle for national liberation' and 'I chose to be a martyr'," he said.

    Kamikaze Likes

    Searching for a related link between Palestinian "self-bombers" and Kamikazes, the Israeli psychologist said the two sides hit the same ground with an inclination for life by walking the road of self sacrifice.

    Kamikazes are a group of Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed on a military or naval target, killing themselves as well as damaging the building or the ship attacked. They were regarded as dying a hero's death in the service of their county.

    Seeking a response to a nagging question - why a youth chooses to kill himself in a bomb operation as the Palestinians and Kamikazes did, the Israeli expert said that "It is a last-ditch resort".

    "The Kamikazes saw it as the only way to turn Japan away from defeat and their compatriots from death. And the Palestinians find it is the sole means to end a long occupation."

    "The Palestinians were even led in their self-bombing by a religious obligation; resisting occupation".

    Israeli forces reoccupied all of the Palestinian areas since last year and still keep a policy of house demolitions, assassination and abduction against the Palestinians, many of whom feel the only way of influence available is martyr operations organized by resistance groups.

    Oran quoted a Palestinian in an Israeli jail as saying: "If a Palestinian state was established, there would no need for carrying out martyr attacks against targets in the Jewish state. But as long as occupation persists such resistance would keep up."

    Palestinians also find it hard to stomach the Jewish state's promises for dismantling settlements on their land and ending an occupation dating back to 1948.

    A Solution

    In the meanwhile, a Palestinian study revealed that most Palestinian male children said that the tension with Israel could draw a close via martyr operations.

    The study, conducted by the Gaza Program for Psychotherapy, found that 67.8 percent of the 1000-strong children polled said these operations could solve the problem in their society.

    Upon seeing a photo of a Palestinian girl with a hand down her face, 66 percent of both sexes said that she is thinking of her studying while 24.7 per cent said she thought of carrying out martyr operations. Some 8.7 per cent said she imagined a peaceful solution to the crisis with Israel.

    The study also disclosed that 32.7 percent of the children interviewed have symptoms of psychological problems because of being exposed to severe shocks that require treatment.

    The vulnerability to these shocks is rated higher among the inhabitants of the refugee camps, 84.2 percent, and lesser in towns, 2.9 percent, according to the study.

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