Firstly,North Korea is Chinas' problem.They created it by...

  1. 5,447 Posts.
    Firstly,North Korea is Chinas' problem.They created it by supporting it in the Korean war.China is quite able to control N.Korea so should be left to do it.However if China is turning a blind eye to N.Korea aiding terrorists around the world that is another thing.That means they are playing the same game as the US,Britain etc and eventually they will clash somewhere.Secondly on the UN business,something is being done to beef up resposibility by world leaders with the setting up of the World Court.Putting world leaders under pressure of a consequence of their actions should lead to a lifting of their game.The US is cold on this,not even luke warm.Possibly they think some of their leaders may fall in the same trap as the small fry.Maybe they think only the small fry should be tried in this court.World law is the way to go but it will be a painfull path.It worked in Serbia because of the economic sanctions placed on the country,but it should not depend on sanctions by the large powers.If sufficient evidence is available then an arrest warrant should be issued.If it was possible to do that now for Saddam Hussein then it would be easy to get support for military action to arrest him.Take out the top eschelon of any country and you will get some sort of change.It is no good blaming the UN all the time if it is not given the tools to do the job.
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