Perth is truely starting to rank up there in the violence stakes...

  1. 550 Posts.
    Perth is truely starting to rank up there in the violence stakes these days.

    Losty was walking home from a pub in East Fremantle last Saturday night along Leach Hwy when i had an empty stubbie hurled at me from a passing car. I stupidly gave them the finger and was quite surprised when the car stopped abruptly and two of the occupants started running towards me looking rather angry.

    With their intentions quite clear Losty legged it the opposite way and took refuge in someones front garden. Now Losty was never real good at hide and seek in his earlier days, so Losty took it upon himself to confront the two gentleman to try and talk things over like all good grown men should do.

    I am happy to report that the "situation" was promptly resolved when confronting the two gentleman, but i'm not sure if it was from my verbal communication or the star picket i was holding in my right hand.

    So what is one to do? Stand up for ones self, take a punt on talking things out, or stay at home and lead a non existent life?

    On reflection i am sure i would have had my head caved into a pulp on Leach Hwy night that night. I guess my number wasn't up yet.

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