parliament today a disgrace

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    and so is Speaker Anna Burke - I allege all of the following re. her so-called "NEW" Year performace - it was just as bad as ever IMO:-

    I allege:-

    hugely out of her depth here - and extremely biased to her own side. Goes out of her way to silence and stymie any Liberal attempts to glean meaningful replies to very valid questioning. Thinks Labor antics hugely funny - yet glares at those on her Left if they dare speak up. And usually thwos them out willy nilly - but NOT her own. This is NOT a new year Ms. Burke - just more of the same. Squirm material. And anger inducing!

    Today allows Greg Combet to yell and scream - orders him to stop and resume his seat - he blatantly keeps talking, ignoring her, and KEEPS on outright ignoring despite her weak mutterings for him to desist = keeps going to finish his rant - and she LAUGHS! If this'd been Pyne - Hockey - Bishop - even Abbott - they'd have been thrown out for defying the Chair - quick smart. And she would have been thrilled in being able to do it! For her facial expressions and body language give away her HUGE subjectivity.

    Attacks the Opposition members for so-called ""screeching" across the chamber - when Gillard, MAcklin, Combet, and Albanese, just as some examples, do the same shreiking and screeching Burke admonishes the conservatives for. Ultra hypocritical. MAcklin - we DO have ears - and microphones HAVE been invented.
    And she lets them do so very very often. Nrvrtr anser a direc question with a direct answer. Allows them to deviate totally off topic. Makes lots of noise - thunderous face turned to Libs - always - but her own keep defying her - and she laughs??

    Allows the whole of Question Time now to be turned into a sick joke and a hugely manipulated farce - Struffed with stuid irrelevant Dorothy Dixer questions, Labor to Labor in some putrid love-in arrogant conspiracy to use up all the time - rigged in advance by Labor members leaping to their feet trying to beat and silence Opposition points of order - the whole session heavily bogged down in these silly Dorothy Dixers - delivered, triumphantly, with arrogantly smug simpering smiles from those who've had these questions handed to them - defiantly defiant plotting. The whole of Question Time now taken up by these devious ploys. Harry Jenkins had said hes so something about this farce. Is this one of the reasons they got rid of him? His standards too high - for their sordid plots and avoidances? Is there ONE true patriot amongst this pathetic lot. Spmeone who will actually stand up for the truth? Cross the floor, if necessary? NO - but bet they;ve all got their greedy hands when they retire and the big payouts of OUR money fall into their already stuffed full bank accounts. Why, in later life, they;ll even have the dall and the front to strut atound telling everyone - "I was a Member of PArliament". as they suck on their tenth martini, in some SOuth of France luxury resort.

    Burke allowed the new AG - Dreyfus, to start his reply to a question with his own diversion, unchecked - taking the chance for a cheap, nasty sneering and slagging of the Opposition - telling the world Liberal Opposition members have NO principles - what a creep - yet when they objected, she takes the Dreyfus part, defends him, says he was "in order", and tells Libs to virtually "shut up!" Absolutely disgusting, MS. Burke! Sooner you're gone, the better.

    When Libs asked Dreyfus a supplementary question following this insult, he hasn;t the guts to get up. Token apologist, Albanese, leaps to his feet instead, and defends him. Coward. Uproar about this. Burke allows Albanese to speak. Dreyfus asked to withdraw the vicious slur. Burke says he doesn't have to. Absolutely disgraceful bias from the Chair.

    Whenever Libs ask to table any documents, 99.5% of the time, Albanese refuses. Not only refuses in civil fashion, but always with some smart aleck nasty crack - which again, the Speaker never reprimands. This man, I allege, has serious problems with personality, arrogance, and non-existent decorum.
    He also gets up and wanders aroudna t will. But if a Liberal does this - they get told off smartly by Burke - told to sit down.
    As for the "lack of principles" slur Dreyfus threw at the Libs today, low as you can go style, I suggest that most of this Labor membership have none themleseves - or how can they support such a shambles of a Party, and sit there like tailor's dummies and laugh at all this shambles, let alone sit there and support THIS alleged poor excuse for a Prime Minister, who, allegedly, is facing very serious allegations, still under investigation.

    They may all be laughing on the other sides of their faces, in the not too distant future. DO those who support her, then, if allegations are proven. become "accessories after the fact, should it be proved at any stage that any were in any way involved or knew of any allegedly illegal acts, such as wilful destruction of any releventt documents?

    Let's ask Dreyfus - for he knows everything, he seems to think! Arrogant ego it seems being his main claim to fame. AND a massive ego, not pretty.

    I suppose when one knows one has a HUGE super payout awaiting one at the end of some close to hand rainbow - just for sitting on one's backside and nodding agreement - one can tolerate ANYTHING - and ANYBODY! Just avoid looking in the mirror, take lots of sleeping pills, and dream of all that LOVELY loot you have possibly, allegedly lied to collect! Yes, that's the quality of the current Labor politician - all seeing - but allegedly choosing to ignore actual truths - living only and just for themselves.

    They should be reminded though - it's WE who are paying you all, WE who provide the monies for these obscenely huge and mostly unearned, unwarranted payouts - but you all have the gall to sit there each day in Parliament, under the subjective oversight of the allegedly incompetent, biased Burke, thumbing your smug noses at those of us who know and detest you all for what you really are, and what you're, all of you. allegedly complicit in, i.e. at the very least, the furtherence of sly obfuscations and even alleged suppressions of facts, amounting to outright alleged lies.

    Swan, Macklin, and Albanese and Gillard, laughing their heads off, heads together, today! (we are deceiving all the mug plebs out there again today!)

    You can change leaders as often as you wish! Truth WILL out - and soon, people will now your Party for what it really is, a rotting facade. Bringing back Rudd will just be a useless new coat of paint to try and cover over old rotting timbers.

    Truth will catch up with you all, no matter how simperingly and smugly arrogant you all are now, in the end!

    No. Ms. Burke, you just don't cut it! Your "performance" today was an absolute embarrassment. Standards and fairness at absolute rock bottom now.

    It's NOT "Question Time." It's "Labor manipulation of the truths" time.

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