Hahahaha Red I thought buildings are ment to pulverize into dust...

  1. 848 Posts.
    Hahahaha Red I thought buildings are ment to pulverize into dust when they fall down?

    Few more things I would like to add and get back to from previous posts.

    I gave a link previously comparing a controlled demolition with that of a twin tower. Here it is again,


    Another link showing a twin tower collapsing is as follows,


    A major thing to note is that in any explosive event the ejected debris leads that of the ejected dust, common engineering knowledge. This is clearly the case in the above links, especially in the second one. Now there are building demolition processes that do not use explosives. These demolitions are termed "top down demolitions". Such demolitions are shown in the link below. I think hydraulics are used on a floor(s) to stress strategic columns.


    Anyhow the major thing to note is that the debris does not lead that of the dust when the thing comes down. Yes in smaller buildings you can get a pan-cake effect, not in larger ones.

    I added the pic below in a previous post. It was suggested that this column could have been arc cut in post demolition clean-up. I chated with a construction friend of mine. He said it was highly unlikely that such a thing could have happend. In almost all post demolition clean-ups excavator push/pull operations would be used. It is almost certain that the column shown below is an exploded one. Lautrac pointed out that Thermite explosive residue was found on the columns. Also the column pic below does not look like it has been oxy/arc cut as there is molten metal on both sides of the cut which is not normal.

    The picture below shows something very interesting. The top portion of the building begins to rotate. If the pan-cake collapse theory was legitimate, this then would mean that the top portion would have rotated off. The only reason it didn't is because it was in free fall as a result of detonation. Laws of physics otherwise make it impossible.

    The picture below shows toppled buildings as a result of earth-quakes. You will notice the buildings have not pulverized into dust. There was hardly any macroscopic pieces of concrete in the twin tower debris, again showing explosives used.

    Anyhow the point is you can go on forever with the evidence. I realise people are probably getting tired of this issue in this forum so I will finish up now. I know many people who know the thing was an inside job but say don't worry about it, it was 10 years ago. Hard to understand that attitidue. Politicians probably think it is better not to tell the public. I am not sure about that either.
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