Party over if AAA credit rating lost, page-2

  1. 18,711 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    lol... getting draconian much
    1) Why shouldn't people have the choice to invest their money in ANY asset class they like.
    2) Better to return to indexation - but any changes should be applied to ALL asset classes.
    3) Costs are costs so they should be able to be deducted the same way as the government chooses to tax profits.
    4) If you own property it is YOUR choice what to do with it - quite frankly if you don't use the asset it then it is a poor allocation of capital. As for the deductions well you can only claim them if you are using the asset to make money or at a bare minimum are trying to make money (i.e. it is advertised for rent).

    As for the need to raise taxes - well how about they better manage the money they have got first. It shouldn't be one sector of society wearing all the increases - after all it is not like they get anymore services for paying more versus someone paying less.
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