"because I cannot think of any other rational reason she is so...

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    "because I cannot think of any other rational reason she is so pro US and so anti - Australian."

    Frantic, the answer lies in the "Leaks", mate, its all there......aren't they wonderful?
    Didnt you read the leaked embassy cables? Where the US connection to the Party and the Unions was exposed? Where it was mentioned that the US wanted to know exactly where Julia's sentiments lay towards the US and "particularly towards Israel"? That was before the "Night of the Big Knives"....It was mentioned that Julia had been somewhat uncommunicative......but then suddenly changed tack to bend over backwards to communicate with, and co-operate with, the US? She realised that she was going to get nowhere unless she pledged & showed allegiance to those really at the helm of all things.....

    And just a snippet for speculation....in the hope for more related leaks :
    "In particular, there could be highly revealing information on any US involvement in the June 23-24 political coup that removed Kevin Rudd as prime minister, especially given the well-known acrimony between the Obama administration and Rudd over Afghanistan and other foreign policy issues."
    "Since Rudds removal, his replacement, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has made an indefinite and unconditional commitment to the war in Afghanistan and aligned her government with US efforts to stem rising Chinese influence in Asia, despite the fact that China is now Australias largest trading partner. The documents from the US embassy in Australia may contain highly embarrassing and diplomatically damaging revelations about joint US-Australian activity directed against Chinese interests. As the Wikileaks cables from Australia are released, the WSWS will comment further."

    The above is just speculation until further cables are released, but does get one thinking. Others have well and duly noted Julia's change of tack.

    Bring on the Leaks and let truth emerge....
    Now, wouldnt it be interesting to see the Howard/Bush/Blair cables prior to the Iraq Invasion?
    or the invasion of Afghanistan?
    "Hey, them damned Taliban wont let us run the pipeline, no matter what....we gotta invade......"

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