paul clithero's money talk got me worried, page-17

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Just another excuse for the 1% to thieve from the 99%. Theft, pure and simple, 'no ifs ands or buts.'

    The 1%, despite appearances to the contrary are either deliberately destroying the West's financial strength, or they are complete morons and so sick with their greed and out of control power over the flock that they have forgotten that history is replete with collapsed civilisations all of which have collapsed due to only two causes. These are:

    1. Ecological collapse.

    2. The situation we see now with a collapse of the middle class and austerity impositions aimed against the lesser folk. Initially the elite do very well from this extreme economic and societal stratification, however once the middle class has been swept into the dustbins, the elite find they too have to follow.

    In regard to the latter, it is possible that the 1% believe that with globalisation, this will no longer be the outcome that eventuates for them this time round, and at the very least the outcome will likely be delayed (for the 1%) as the poorer, less developed countries vie to have their masses enslaved to the growing jobs on offer from the transnationals.

    Fortunately, as with the current situation in Ukraine, the elite have a bad habit of failing to fully appreciate the responses from the affected. China's people are another example of failing to live up to globalist plans, in their penchant for saving, rather than consuming.

    "The latest geopolitical adventure by the US in Ukraine is failing for the same reason they failed in Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Russia, Iran and elsewhere, namely because the isolated Washington elites living in the fantasy world they apparently live in, know absolutely nothing about the people in the countries they want to takeover."

    Britain's elite are probably even worse than America's when it comes to insights or empathy in regard to the struggling hordes. They have been coming down very hard and fast against the poor there and now they have started to move against the rest. The latest includes an attempt to open the way for direct theft of money from private bank accounts, under the guise of money owed to the taxman, when there already exists an avenue to do this via the courts.

    "The powers were outlined as part of measures to clamp down on tax avoidance and would allow HM Revenue & Customs (pictured) to seize unlimited amounts of money directly from the bank accounts of anyone they believes owes more than £1,000 in tax."

    Since the GFC the top few percent have increased their wealth significantly, while the rest have lost out.

    A few point of interest:

    1. U.S. Wealth Up $34 Trillion Since Recession. 93% of You Got Almost None of It.

    2. Eight Rich Americans Made More Than 3.6 Million Minimum Wage Workers
    A recent report stated that no full-time minimum wage worker in the U.S. can afford a one-bedroom or two-bedroom rental at fair market rent. There are 3.6 million such workers, and their total (combined) 2013 earnings is less than the 2013 stock market gains of just eight Americans, all of whom take more than their share from society: the four Waltons, the two Kochs, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett.

    6. Funding Plummets for Schools and Pensions as Corporations Stop Paying Taxes

    7. Companies Based in the U.S. Paying Most of their Taxes Overseas (wonder where they actually do pay their fair share??)

    8. Restaurant Servers Go Without Raise for 30 Years
    An evaluation by Michelle Chen showed that the minimum wage for tipped workers has been approximately $2 an hour since the 1980s. She also notes that about 40 percent of these workers are people of color, and about two-thirds are women.

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