paul howes tells rudd to call an election., page-31

  1. 6,752 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    DUI u always know I have loved you like a brother, even during your extended down periods, I have spoken well of you.

    There is no limit to the lengths I will go to protect you and your family name.

    But I draw the line at kevin Rudd is a good dresser. For a man with $10's millions in the bank I would expect better ties. He has had some genuine tie disasters and his recent walking track suit look needs work.

    The dear leader is a good 7-10 kg overweight and for a man with a heart condition not healthy.

    But if he drops dead it will be because the god selection process has said enough. As you carefully mix god and marvel heroes into one it will be seen as gods will.
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