If he ever runs for prime minister again he will get my vote...

  1. 131 Posts.
    If he ever runs for prime minister again he will get my vote with comments like this.....(I could not have said it better)...read on

    Keating slams 4WDs
    September 03, 2002

    FOUR-wheel drive vehicles have become a "pox" on cities former prime minister Paul Keating said yesterday.

    Paul Keating at the conference in Sydney. Picture: Alan Pryke
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    Mr Keating - who addressed the Australian Road Federation and International Road Federation Asia Roads Conference - said four-wheel drives are "over-engineered" for their city tasks.

    "The advent of the large four-wheel drives for urban transport has become a pox ... of significant proportions," he said.

    "These cars have high centres of gravity, they are heavier and require more driving skills and they corner badly," he said.

    Mr Keating, who drives a Peugeot 205, said 4WDs obstructed the views of other drivers and consumed twice as much fuel as a smaller car.

    "Above all, the drivers of these cars threaten everyone else who drives in lighter vehicles.

    "For what it's worth, and I stress for what it's worth, if I had my way, I'd tax them off the roads and feel good about it."

    The conference, held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, discussed the managing of roads as a business.

    Mr Keating praised the state governments' "valiant efforts" to increase the desirability and affordability of public transport, but believes cars are still the preferred transport choice.

    "It does seem that many people would rather lose their partners than lose their cars, no doubt for the independence and mobility they bring," the former Labor leader said.

    The Daily Telegraph

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