Pauline Hanson is a fine lady. Determined, resilient,...

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    Pauline Hanson is a fine lady. Determined, resilient, courageous, resolute, clear-headed, undeterred even as she has been so unjustly abused and pilloried, she has spoken up and continues to speak up for millions of her countrymen and women in the face of the bile and scorn of the Left and ineed many on the so -called ' conservative ' side of politics as well.

    Pauline Hanson is a true patriot and an outstanding Australians who takes pride in the country we have made and seeks to defend it from so much of the unwanted and indeed unsanctioned change which the 'political classes' in all their elitism and arrogance seek to inflict on Australia and us her people.

    The generations who have gone before us , those who served in war and those who stayed at home, would be horrified at agenda of the ' political classes ' and they would be appalled by them. It is not for their anti-Western , anti - Christian, 'other' - loving, uber-multiculti agenda that we and the generations before us have settled, built and defended our country.

    Pauline Hanson would make our forebears proud just as she makes us proud. She speaks for millions across the party divide. She is a splendid woman and in her at Canberra the people of Australia really have one who has our interests first and foremost at heart.
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