Pauline Hanson is potentially our Donald Trump. Our two major...

  1. 4,041 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Pauline Hanson is potentially our Donald Trump. Our two major parties are weak and stagnating Australia . Meanwhile our debt is increasing every day . LGBT crowd and refugees are the priority debate . Both worthy of discussion , but over represented considering our challenges.
    The only "noise" I can hear is the politically correct left wing media and many including myself are feeling unheard and bored by it . The plebiscite has been blocked by Shorten and his hangers on because our opinion isn't deemed worthy of interest .
    Lets make Australia great again. Knock the superior left off their politically correct pedestals . Give us leaders who think and are not some form of robotic machinery trying to sway the masses. Bring back the dynamic Australia and get rid of the BORING progressives who are progressing us into a socialist politically correct dull country.
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