The key to a stable country, apart from the immigration issues...

  1. 2,949 Posts.
    The key to a stable country, apart from the immigration issues we have been talking about today is the family, not education. I am a big fan of education but it is not the main foundation. Look at any societies,even the slums of India, who successfully mentor from one generation to the next . They don't have the huge social problems we do within their frame work. Families by and large stay in tact,passing traditions from one generation to another. Even when poor they really stick together.

    In our recent history you can bring the beginning of the family breakdown to the contraceptive pill and the necessity of getting married due to pregnancy. Too much freedom of choice has made us drunk with power.Through my work and just keeping my eyes open, I am old enough to see the results of this and the stress this has put on children born in many different "families". The cost of living and housing has also climbed into the too hard basket because women went to work, because they could "plan" or not plan their pregnancies. All of a sudden we had two incomes for many. Now this has made life very hard for one income families with children, to survive.

    In this politically correct world we are told that families come in all shapes and sizes. Our political leaders are a prime example. Is Gillard and her boyfriends children a family? Is Bob and Co., a family.

    We are ripe for the picking as the "families" who are coming to Australia from other cultures know this "secret" we have let slip through our fingers and they will go from strength to strength if we don't recognize what we have done.

    Lets not be politically correct anymore. It is making Western Society very week. Dumber and Dumber in fact.

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