Payman quits Labor, page-88

  1. 11,200 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    Thorpe and now this piece of work. If you seek election under the ALP banner that is where your loyalties should be. If you actually want to represent a different demographic resign your position in the Senate and seek election showing where your true loyalties lie. But, we don't need your Middle Eastern politics staining our Country. These Hamas people are disrupting society and damaging public property together with taking tax payer dollars by the truck load.

    Also, she's now laying on the old chestnut that Albo tried to pressure her. This is politics sweetheart, get used to it. Don't make yourself a victim because the true victims are the voters of WA who got saddled with you because you had a favourable place on their Senate ballot paper. Your true supporters number less than 1,700.
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