I've had a look at the pamphlet (I suppose everyone commenting...

  1. 5,732 Posts.
    I've had a look at the pamphlet (I suppose everyone commenting has, right? lol).

    The very small sections on 'tips for having a safe night' made me uncomfortable in the implication, but they certainly address the reality. And the pamphlet isn't addressed to me it's for children and young adults who are exposed to drugs (everyone), who take drugs or are thinking about it or have friends who do.

    I'm delighted to see a pamphlet describing the different drugs and their harmful effects. It's a while since I was the age this pamphlet targets, but back then it was virtually impossible to avoid situations where drugs were available and it's the same today (unless you have no social life at all, don't go to school, or live in a closed drug free community). The great thing is that this pamphlet at least will let people know what they're being offered (if they read it first) or at least question what they are being offered.

    I partly agree with Opaline - and partly not. In some sense I think people need some things outlawed to show that society sees it as a danger. But there is a difference between outlawing a drug and making a user a criminal (which is wrong IMO). I also approve allowing addicts access to drugs and the free needles programs. There are too many people who have lost children to stuff sold on the streets.
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